
insomnia jim

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bright eyes

insomnia jim
blind guardiana ait en populer sarkilarindan bir tanesi.

ahanda sozleri:

fool just another
fool just another

i’ve been waiting
for signs of god

create- enslaved- behaved-
everything is out of control

leave me alone
isolation bears hope
there’s something else waiting
a promised destiny
freezing me
i feel restless and low
these days full of sadness
had joyfully changed
into fear

my freakshow will start tonight
don’t miss the right time

bright eyes
blinded by fear of life
no merlin is by my side

everything is out of control
everything is out of control
in my future plans
everything is out of control
noone’s left to hurt
everything is out of control
sorrow’s gone away

broken memories
walking upstairs
step by step
i see the whole world burning
the poet dies in neverland
how it burns

hey, mother stubborn
i really hate you
if you say yes i will say no
ashes to ashes
but dust won’t be dust
if you go there
i will go back

bright eyes
blinded by fear of life
betrayed by sunrise
bright eyes
blinded by fear of life
no merlin is by my side

hey, father stubborn
you’re ying
and i’m young
i feel alone
who really cares
born into ashes
to lose all the games
with a smiling face

bright eyes
blinded by fear of life
and dark dragons rise
bright eyes
blinded by fear of life
no merlin is by my side

so i sit still in my room, today
winter’s here
in summer’s season
shall i say
i was wrong
if i’m right
farewell to my last hope.


insomnia jim
uc bacajtan olusan fotograf makinesi dayanagidir.ozellikle dusuk enstantane kullanilmasi gerektiren cekimlerde titremeyi engellemek icin kullanilir ucayak veya sehpa olarak da adlandirilmaktadir.


insomnia jim
bu terim hem cok yakın mesafeden netleme hemde bu ozellıge sahip objektifler icin kullanilmaktadir.dar anlamda ise objenin dogal buyuklugunun veya daha buyuk olarak fotografa yansitilmasi olarak tanimlanmaktadir.

(bkz: mikro)

ayrica bir ekonomi dersi.

küresel sapma

insomnia jim
genis aci objektiflerin maksimum aciklikta kullaniminda sikca karsilasilan ve fotografin her bolgesinin ayni duzeyde net olmamasiyla sonuclanan optik bozukluktur.goruntunun kenarlarinda netligin azalmasi sonucunu dogurur.kuresel olmayan merceklerin veya daha kisik diyafram degerlerinin kullanimiyla duzeltilebilen bir bozulmadir.

alakasizi icin:
(bkz: kuresel isinma)
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