

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 8391
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 131261


insan vucudunda sag ve solda olmak uzere iki adet olmasi gereken,suzgec gorevini goren ancak bir tane bulunmasi halindede ya$ama sorunsuz devam edilebildiginiz buna kar$ilik askerlikten cok rahat muaf raporu almanizi saglayan organdir ayni zamanda
(bkz: muaf)

swastika eyes

enfes bir primal scream parcasi.
sozleri ise

your soul don’t burn
you dark the sun you
rain down fire on everyone
scabs, police, government thieves
venal psychic amputees
parasitic your syphilitic
parasitic your syphilitic
swastika eyes
you got
swastika eyes
you got
swastika eyes, swastika eyes, swastika eyes
i’ll vent my spleen i’ll keep my dreams
my flesh my bones my soul i own
my mind’s a weapon immune from infection
blood in my eyes, my vision is clear
parasitic your syphilitic
parasitic your syphilitic
swastika eyes
you got
swastika eyes
you got
swastika eyes, swastika eyes, swastika eyes
i see your autosuggestion psychology
elimination policy
a military industrial
illusion of democracy
swastika eyes
you got
swastika eyes
you got
swastika eyes, swastika eyes, swastika eyes

üçüncü sayfa güzeli

ingiliz the sun gazetesinin ucuncu sayfasinda ekseri yari ciplak model ve mankenlerin resmini koymasi ve altina haber yazmasi ile gelenek haline almis hadise.
ulkemiz gazete ve mecmualarinda kapak guzeli yada arka sayfa guzeli olarak revize edilmi$tir.

alex skolnick

testament grubunun 5 albumunda pena sallayan mukemmel sahne performansi olan e$siz bir gitarist.
daha sonra kendi solo albumunu cikartmayip aciz-jazz grubu kuran alex skolnick dayanamamis gene rock muzigine icine kendisini atmis ve (bkz: savatage) grubunda calmistir.


1 ing. tanrisiz,dinsiz
2 sepultura grubunun roorback bunyesindeki bir parcasi.
sozleri ise

there’s a sickness that keeps reaching out
grabbing a hold of the world no control
reputation, reputation
mortality of the men
cowards they always leave filth in there tracks that won’t wash, wash away
fear is the motive in the things that do, that they do
their world seems so godless
their world seems so godless
all out to war
the way to be stronger
all out to war
by force we will conquer
the fraud the elections denying the freedom of choice from the people
repeating the errors inventing excuses to profit from conflicts
reputation, reputation
mortality of the men
a world so godless
a world so godless
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