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  1. toplam entry 8391
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  3. puan 131263

black metal

kuzey avrupa ulkelerindeki gruplarin oncusu oldugu muzik turu.
en belirgin ozellikleri sahne showlari esnasinda yaptiklari makyaj ve pratikte yapilmasi cok zor olan vokal turudur.bu tarz kendi icinde ayriliklar gosterse de aslinda altyapi ve sound olarak birbirine yakindir.

im the black wizards

enfes emperor parcasi.
sozlerini de yazalim

mightiest am i, but i am not alone in this cosmos of mine. for the black hills
consist of black souls, souls that already died one thousand deaths. behind
the stone walls of centuries they breed their black art. boiling their spells
in cauldrons of black gold. far up in the mountains, where the rain fall not
far, yet the sun cannot reach. the wizards, my servants, summon the souls of
macrocosm. no age will escape my wrath. i travel though time and i return to
the future. i gather wisdom now lost. i visit again the eternally ancient
caves, before a mighty emperor thereupon came. watching the mortals
"discovering" my chronicles, guarded by the old demons, even unknown to me.
once destroyed to feast upon the screaming souls that was destroyed in my
future. how many wizards that serve me with evil. i know not. my empires has
no limits. from the never ending mountains black, to the bottom lakes. i am
the ruler and has been for eternity’s long. my wizards are many, but their
essence is mine. forever there are in the hills in their stone homes of grief.
because i am the spirit of their existence. i am them


rambo first blood adi ile 1982 yilinda cekilen sylvester stallone’nin oynadigi macera aksiyon filmidir.vietnam’dan dondukten sonra sivil hayata ali$amayan i$sizlik ceken asker eskisi john rambo’nun bir kasaba giderken basinin belaya girmesi,nezarette dayak yiyerek ortaligi birbirine katmasi konulu filmin gi$e hasilatinin beklenenden yuksek olmasi yapimcilari hareketletlendirmi$ ve 2 bolum daha cekmelerine gaz vermi$tir.oyle inaniyorumki eger icinde oldugumuz tarih itibari ile sylvester stallone biraz daha genc olsaydi bu serinin 7 yada 8.bolumlerinide izleme firsatimiz olucakti.
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