the after dinner payback

from autumn to ashes’in tarzını en iyi şekilde anlatan hoş şarkı.buyrun sözleri:

i’m not wishing anymore
i’m not writing songs for you
i sleep better in the dark
i’m not doing this for you
this is because of you i don’t believe
tongue tied an institute of my relief
you’re my, my reason to shame (my reason to shame)
i’m not wishing anymore
i’m not writing songs for you
i sleep better in the dark
i’m not doing this for you
this is because of you i don’t believe
tongue tied an institute of my relief
one wish that this is over
you are all i waste today
discarded worthless throw it away
will it tear you apart?
will it?
will it tear you apart?
when i turn and walk away
abandon, not worth the effort
when stalling means
too fucking scared to create
abandon, not worth the effort
when stalling and too scared
one wish that this is over
you are all i waste today
discarded worthless throw it away
will it tear you apart?
will it?
will it tear you apart?
will i turn and walk away
i’m not holding onto this
i’m not wasting words on you
i sleep alone in spite of it
i’ll do anything for you
this is because of you i feel relief
tongue tied to instigate what i believe
you’re my, my reason to blame (my reason to blame)
i’m not holding onto this
i’m not wasting words on you
i sleep alone in spite of it
i’ll do anything for you
this is because of you i feel relief
tongue tied to instigate what i believe
you’re my, my reason to blame (my reason to blame)
bu başlıktaki tüm girileri gör

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