free to decide

van ness
sözleri şöyle ki;

it’s not worth anything more than this at all,
i’ll live as i choose or i will not live at all,
so return to where you come from,
return to where you dwell,
because harassment’s not my forte,
but you do it very well

i’m free to decide, i’m free to decide
and i’m not so suicidal after all,
i’m free to decide, i’m free to decide
and i’m not so suicidal after all,
at all, at all, at all

you must have nothing more with your time to do,
there’s a war in russia and sarajevo too,
so to hell with what you’re thinking,
and to hell with your narrow mind,
you’re so distracted from the real thing,
you should leave your life behind
i’m free to decide, i’m free to decide
and i’m not so suicidal after all,
i’m free to decide, i’m free to decide
and i’m not so suicidal after all,
at all, at all, at all

bu başlıktaki tüm girileri gör

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katkıda bulunmak istemez misin?

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