dogs were barking

emma the gold one
gogol bordello’dan tam şenlik şarkısı, ama böyle aslında başkalarının zoruyla bulunduğunuz size ait kutlamalar için özellikle. düğününüz mesela... en çok siz eğlenirsiniz o zaman maymunlar köpekler ve ayılarla. sözleri de vereyim de oynayalım ukrayna kolbastisu:

dogs were barking, guests were parking
and my wedding was about to start
dogs were barking, monkeys clapping
then i got up on table and i said:
i’ll meet you 10:45 on the broadway canal
in a disco-radical-transglobal...
vyderzhit li, vyderzhit li apparatura?
comanja cooking up the original mixtura
s ulitzy do ulitzy the brilliant bassura

nasha mama---diaspora!!!
papa v gogol bordello!!!
energija probuzdenija i ja!!!
dogs were barking, monkeys clapping
bears were dancing and girls were cutting loose
cops were lurking, kids were snarkling
then her father came up to me and said:
vi bivali kogda-nibud na vistavke sobak?
she was a 5-45, nashe delo tabak...
da ja zhe starij dobrij opta-hotza-htzulo-dzigit!
govorjat prosto bolnoi, da nichego zhe ne bolit!
nasha mama---diaspora!!!
papa v gogol bordello!!!
energija probuzhdenija i ja!!!
remember things, things that are eternal...
remember forgot those things
nelzja ponjat, nelzja izmerit,
tolko prossat’, i tolko vyt’!...

to make it all even more crooked
is impossibility of suicide
you pull the trigger, yet you are still standing...
just somewhere else, but with same dick in your hand.

and dogs were barking, and the guests were parking
and the monkeys clapping and girls were cutting loose
thinking of things, things that are eternal,
when her mother came up to me and said.
dogs were barking, cops were lurking
and my dancing was about to start!
monkeys clapping...!

...davaj tovarisch, like tovarisch would...

ı met a crazy dancer,
a party tabashi
she held me by the hair, ı held her by the ass
she was a crazy dresser...
she was a crazy dancer

baja kuka napade original mixtura
s ulitsy do ulitsy to brilia bazhura
beat fun cool feel extoura
vyderzhit li vyderzhit apparatura!

and the dogs were barking, and the guests were parking
and the monkeys clapping and girls were cutting loose
thinking bout things, things that are eternal,
when her mother came up to me and said.
dogs were barking.

ps: doğum günümde zorla çaldırıp söylememin yukarda bahsettiğim mevzuyla bi’ ilgisi yok, şimdi aklıma geldi. ahauahau
bu başlıktaki tüm girileri gör

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