take a bow

yat yat yat ahlak polisi
muse un rock n coke 2006 festivalinde söylediği son şarkı, sözleri pek bir güseldir.
şarkı biterken muse un saolun demesiyle sahneyi terk etmesi bir süreli şoka neden
olmuştur, ama ondan sonra farkeder insan 2 saat boyunca hoplayıp zıpladığını
konser sırasında hissedilmeyen ağrılar başlar yürümekte zorlanılır ama çok çok değmiştir.


corrupt, you corrupt,
bring corruption to all that you touch.

hold, you’ll behold,
and behold and for all that you’ve done.

and spell, cast a spell,
cast a spell on the country you run.

and risk, you will risk,
you will risk all their lives and their souls.

and burn, you will burn,
you will burn in hell, yeah you’ll burn in hell.
you’ll burn in hell, yeah you’ll burn in hell for your sins.

our freedom is consuming itself,
what we will become is contrary to what we want
take a bow.

death, you bring death and destruction to all that you touch.

pay, you must pay
you must pay for your crimes against the earth.

hex, feed the hex
feed the hex on the country you love

beg, you will beg
you will beg for their lives and their souls.

burn, you will burn,
you will burn in hell, yeah you’ll burn in hell,
you’ll burn in hell, yeah you’ll in hell,
burn in hell, yeah you’ll burn in hell for your sins.
bu başlıktaki tüm girileri gör

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