he s just not that into you


he’s just not that into you if he’s not asking you out!

he’s just not that into you if he’s not calling you!

he’s just not that into you if he’s not dating you!

he’s just not that into you if he’s not having sex with you!

he’s just not that into you if he’s having sex with someone else!

he’s just not that into you if he only wants to see you only when he’s drunk!

he’s just not that into you if he doesn’t want to marry you!

he’s just not that into you if he’s breaking up with you!

he’s just not that into you if he’s dissappeared on you!

he’s just not that into you if he’s married!

he’s just not that into you if he’s a selfish jerk, a bully, or a really big freak.

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