little whip

danzig şarkılarından bir adet daha.

you crawl across the floor
on your hands and knees
to seek revelation
little whip
i pull you up
i grab your hair
i give you hope
little whip
i give the black sun
to sear off your tounge
i gave you a life
little whip
a come onlittle whip
a come onlittle whip
a come onlittle whip
a come onlittle whip

i pull you up
i grab your hair
i give you hope
little whip
i gave you the world you beheld in a dream
i gave you a night cry
little whip

you lick your wounds
and you come right back
i give you nothing
little whip
i send the black sun
and eclipse your moon
i steal your hope
little whip


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